Saturday, December 5, 2009

No Bake Cookies n Cream Cheesecake

This cheesecake sets a little looser than regular cheesecake, so next time I might use the whole packet of gelatin (I think it's supposed to be 1 T). But it's AWESOME if you're pressed for time- just make it the night before you need it.

There's no getting up in the middle of the night to take it out of the oven, and then again later in the night to put it in the fridge. (this is my usual routine with cheesecakes.) Just mix, pop it into the fridge, and wake up to cheesecake.

(Below: Dissolving the gelatin in a water bath)

Cookies n Cream Cheesecake recipe adapted from Cheesecake by Pamela Clark

10-oz oreos (or more, if you're me)
2 t gelatin
3 T water
13 oz cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup sugar
1-1/2 cup heavy cream
6 oz white chocolate, melted. (I used the microwave for this one. Just nuke in 20 second intervals, stirring between each)

Okay, Let's talk about the crust. The recipe is actually for 8 individual cheesecakes made in sections of PVC pipes...but lacking those I made it in a 9-in springform. In the PVC pipes, you just stick a whole oreo at the bottom for the crust. I preformed my usual butter and crumbs crust, but because it wasn't baked, just chilled, the crust stuck to the bottom of the pan badly. So I would either spray your pan first or figure out some other crust. Maybe spray the bottom then mix the crumbs with some melted chocolate. Worth some experimentation.

Step 1. Chop oreos into quarters. Save some for topping the cheesecake.
Step 2. Sprinkle gelatin over the water in a heatproof cup. Heat in a pan of simmering water until gelatin dissolves. Cool 5 min.
Step 3. Beat cream cheese, vanilla and sugar in a bowl until smooth, then beat in cream. Stir in white chocolate, gelatin and chopped cookies.
Step 4. Pour into prepared pan with crust, refrigerate overnight.
Step 5. (optional) Melt chocolate and pour in interesting swirls over the top.

I do love cookies n cream anything.

1 comment:

  1. These look yummy, not to mention those OAT FUDGE BARS... :-)
    We learned a no stick trick in Food Selection & Prep to cut out a piece of parchment paper the size of the bottom of your pan... spray pan... apply parchment paper... spray pan. It really works great, esp on layer cakes... think it would work with this cheesecake too!
